Hearth Display

Streamline family organization with a centralized hub, featuring task assignment, shared calendars, and customizable routines to promote independence and harmony.
Family Organization Tools Task Management Household Automation

Hearth Display is a digital hub designed to make family life easier to organize and manage, and that makes it a good option for busy families. The touch-screen display can be used to assign tasks, create routines and keep family members up to date on schedules and to-do lists.

Hearth Display has some features to help you manage family life:

  • To-Dos: A simple interface for tracking tasks and goals, with repeat tasks and motivational streaks.
  • Shared Calendars: Integration with existing Google, Apple iCal and Outlook calendars so everyone is in sync.
  • Routines: A routine builder to help you create good habits and independence with custom photos and kid-friendly icons.
  • Companion App: Access Hearth Display information, including calendars, profiles, to-do lists and routines, on the web or with an iOS app, with an Android app due in 2024.
  • Hearth Helper: An SMS AI-assistant that scans paper calendars and invites and adds them to the shared calendar.
  • Profiles: Profiles for each family member, including pets, to assign and track tasks.
  • Weather Widget: Displays current and forecasted weather conditions, including high and low temperatures for the day.
  • Display Settings: Options for Privacy Mode and Sleep Mode to customize the display for different times of day.

The Hearth Display costs $599, including a free one-month trial of the Family Membership. The Family Membership plan adds features like Hearth Helper, customizable routines and a companion app, and costs $9 per month or $86.40 per year with a 20% discount.

Hearth Display is a useful tool to help organize family life, easing the mental load for caregivers while encouraging kids to become more independent. Its interface is easy to understand, and its features are varied enough to make it a good option for families that want to stay better connected and better manage their daily lives.

Published on July 6, 2024

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