If you're looking for a GPTKit alternative, GPTZero is a good choice. It's designed to detect text generated by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini, and comes with features like Deep Scan for more detailed analysis, Source Scanning for plagiarism detection and Origin Chrome Extension for AI detection in browsers. The service comes in three tiers, including a free BASIC plan with 10,000 words per month.
Another good option is Winston AI, which claims a 99.98% detection rate and works in multiple languages. It comes with a plagiarism detector and an AI image detector, and you can use a Chrome Extension or API to integrate it into your web app. It's good for education, SEO and writing, letting you check content fast and get a detailed assessment in seconds.
If you're looking for something more specialized, check out X Detector, which uses Web3 encryption to keep text you upload private. It works in nine languages and uses multiple methods for high accuracy. That makes it good for students checking their assignments, teachers checking submissions in bulk and bloggers avoiding spam content flags. It's free and available to anyone, which helps keep human-created content honest.
Last, AI Detector offers a simple interface for detecting AI-generated text with high accuracy. It can detect text instantly and provide a detailed analysis, which can be useful for students, teachers, bloggers, researchers and businesses. A free plan is available with a 5,000 character limit, and paid plans are available for heavier use.