
Uses AI to anonymously converse with friends, gathering gift preferences without spoiling the surprise, and provides a summary or full transcript for informed gift-giving.
Gift Giving Conversational AI Personalized Recommendations

Giftit lets you figure out what your friends would like as gifts without spoiling the surprise. The service uses AI to have anonymous conversations with your friends, asking questions to help you find the right gift for any occasion.

Here's how it works: pick a contact, and Giftit's AI, Sherlock, will start a conversation with your friend using your preferred messaging app. You can then see the full transcript or an AI-generated summary. It's all part of an effort to make gift giving more personal and thoughtful.

Among Giftit's features are:

  • Multi-messaging support: Sherlock can converse with friends using a variety of apps, including WhatsApp and iMessage.
  • Multi-occasion support: Good for birthdays, graduations or any other event.

People using Giftit say they like the way Sherlock can converse naturally. There's no pricing information yet, but Giftit could be useful for people who want to get gifts but don't want to spoil the surprise. By using AI to gather information, Giftit offers a way to show you care without blowing the surprise.

Published on June 11, 2024

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