Question: I'm looking for a service that helps me choose a personalized gift for my friend's birthday without giving away the surprise.

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If you're looking for a service that helps you pick out a personalized gift for your friend's birthday without blowing the surprise, Giftit could be just the ticket. Giftit is an AI-powered gift discovery tool that lets you find out what your friends want without ruining the surprise. It uses an AI chatbot, Sherlock, to initiate anonymous conversations with your friends over messaging apps like WhatsApp and iMessage, giving you a transcript or an AI-generated summary so you can give a thoughtful, personalized gift.

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Another good choice is Giftruly, a free AI-powered gift finder that can suggest personalized gift ideas for birthdays and other occasions. It employs modern machine learning technology to make suggestions based on your input, helping you find gifts that are meaningful and tailored to different tastes. Giftruly's AI asks questions about the occasion and recipient, then winnows down personalized gift ideas until you find the one you like, making gift giving easier and more fun.

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