If you're looking for a Ghostbuster, GPTZero is a powerful option. It's geared to detect text written with large language models like ChatGPT and GPT-4, and it offers a range of options for analysis and plagiarism detection. It's got options like Deep Scan, Source Scanning and an Origin Chrome Extension for in-browser detection. GPTZero is updated regularly through partnerships with top universities to ensure the tool is accurate and up to date with AI detection.
Another good option is the AI Detector. It offers good detection accuracy and a simple interface where you can paste in text to get results. It'll flag AI-generated text and provide a breakdown of the results, and it's good for students, teachers, bloggers and businesses. It's available in free and paid versions, including discounted pricing for schools.
If you want a tool that will give you a probability score to help you judge how much AI is involved, AI Detector is a good option. It'll detect AI-generated text, but also can rewrite sentences to try to make them sound more human and provide a detailed report. It's good for content creators, teachers and digital marketers who want to ensure they're producing high-quality content and not copying from others.
Last, ZeroGPT is a free AI-powered content checker that uses machine learning algorithms to detect AI-generated text with a high degree of accuracy. It'll also give you a readability score, and it works in multiple languages. It's available through a simple copy-and-paste interface, so it's good for a variety of content, from SEO to academic writing.