GA4 Auditor

Generates detailed Google Analytics 4 audit reports with actionable recommendations for improvement, ensuring data quality and integrity in minutes.
Data Quality Management Analytics Auditing Google Analytics Optimization

GA4 Auditor is an automated tool that generates detailed Google Analytics 4 audit reports with recommendations for improvement in minutes. The tool helps users identify and correct errors in their analytics accounts to ensure data quality and integrity.

GA4 Auditor connects to your Google Analytics 4 account and lets you pick the property you want to audit. You can customize the report to suit your needs, including language, theme and file formats like PDF and PowerPoint.

Some of the key features of GA4 Auditor include:

  • Tag Health & Performance: Verifies if GA4 tags are firing correctly and in the correct order, spotting duplicate tags and slow-loading tags.
  • Data Integrity & Quality: Runs a thorough data quality check for a successful Google Analytics 4 migration, spotting problems like missing data, duplication and sampling errors.
  • Implementation Best Practices: Offers recommendations for optimizing GA4 setup and using data for marketing and business decisions.
  • Actionable Plan: Includes a clear plan to correct identified issues to ensure a smooth GA4 migration.
  • Tailored Reporting Options: Supports multiple languages, report themes and file formats, including white-labeling for agencies.

Pricing options are as follows:

  • One-Time Audit: $59 per audit, with a detailed report in PDF and PowerPoint formats.
  • Agency Pro Yearly: $499 per year, for agencies that need multiple white-label audits, with 180 detailed audits per year.
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing for more than 180 audits per year, with extra support for custom needs.

GA4 Auditor is for brands, agencies and enterprises that need high-quality and accurate data for their Google Analytics 4 setup. With automated auditing, you can free up time for more important work and ensure your data is reliable and trustworthy.

Published on June 13, 2024

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