Flourish Freelance

Automates task generation and key feature identification using AI, streamlining project setup and helping freelancers get started quickly and efficiently.
Project Management Freelance Management AI-powered Task Generation

Flourish Freelance is an integrated project management tool designed specifically for freelancers. It helps you get work done on time by offering a system that flags overdue work and sends you email reminders.

Flourish Freelance has a number of features to help freelancers with their work. It sends you email reminders when tasks are overdue so nothing slips through the cracks. The tool also has a billables calculator that tracks time worked, either by logging it manually or with a built-in stopwatch. Project management tools let you add, edit and delete tasks for each project. And freelancers can manage multiple projects in one place, with an optional description from the client for each project.

The software also includes new AI tools, available only in the Standard Tier. They use GPT-4o AI to generate tasks and key features based on project descriptions. That can help freelancers get a jump start on their work and quickly create project tasks and features.

The project management tool is designed for freelancers who want to get their work organized and deliver on time. With the combination of AI and email reminders, Flourish Freelance helps freelancers keep their projects on track and meet their clients' expectations. For more details and to sign up, check out the Flourish Freelance website.

Published on June 16, 2024

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