
Accelerate educational content creation and classification with AI-powered tools, generating new items and passages quickly and accurately, and streamlining content alignment.
Educational Technology Content Generation Assessment Solutions

Finetune offers a range of AI-human hybrid solutions for assessment and learning. The company's platform is designed to help educators generate and classify educational content quickly and accurately, supporting a range of educational needs.

Finetune's AI technology enables authors to create new items and passages quickly and easily without any upfront setup work or template creation. This means that authors can create new items much faster, increasing productivity and creativity.

Some of the key features include:

  • Generate: An AI authoring engine that creates new items and passages with a single click, useful for creating formative assessments, reducing reliance on copyrighted material, and improving test security.
  • Catalog: An AI-based content classification engine that quickly and accurately labels learning and assessment content, allowing for more precise alignment to standards and taxonomies.

Finetune's tools are designed for educational institutions, helping them streamline content creation and classification, which can reduce costs and improve overall quality. For example, Catalog can be used to create adaptive and personalized learning systems, align learning content to workforce standards, and ensure quality assurance and content insights.

The company doesn't disclose pricing, but it offers customized solutions for the unique needs of educational organizations. That means it could be a good option for those who want to improve their assessment and learning abilities.

You can check the Finetune website for more information on its products and services, including research papers and white papers that explain the company's AI-based tools in more detail.

Published on July 13, 2024

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