
Matches wallet transactions to exchange deposit addresses, generating a report to recover forgotten tokens, improve record-keeping, and assist in account recovery.
Cryptocurrency Analysis Account Recovery Blockchain Solutions

FindMyTokens is intended to help people find forgotten tokens by matching wallet transactions to exchange deposit addresses. It's a utility for account recovery, unclaimed balance discovery and record-keeping.

FindMyTokens lets you pick your EVM wallet and then generate a report showing interactions with centralized exchanges. That report includes a list of exchanges, the time of each interaction, and blockchain and wallet addresses. The service covers all major EVM chains, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Arbitrum, but other chains will be added later.

You can use FindMyTokens in a few ways:

  • Recover forgotten tokens: Find and access unclaimed balances on exchange accounts linked to your wallet.
  • Improve recordkeeping: Generate a comprehensive list of all exchanges you've sent or received tokens from, along with timestamps and wallet information.
  • Assist in account recovery: Help recover wallet assets after a wallet hack by identifying recent transactions to centralized exchanges.

Pricing is two-tiered:

  • Starter: $14.99 for a single wallet report.
  • Institutional: Contact for custom pricing and more in-depth analysis.

FindMyTokens offers a useful service for individuals and institutions trying to keep track of their crypto transactions and find lost assets.

Published on June 13, 2024

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