FAQ Nation

Streamline FAQ creation, management, and personalization with AI-generated tags, analytics, and customizable branding for improved user accessibility and engagement.
FAQ Management AI-Driven Content Customer Experience Optimization

FAQ Nation is an all-in-one solution to streamline the creation, management and personalization of FAQs with AI integration. The platform allows you to create, manage and personalize your FAQs, while improving user accessibility and engagement. With its modern interface, FAQ Nation is designed to reduce the number of questions you receive and to help you better support your business and website.

FAQ Nation has a range of features to help you master FAQ management:

  • Customizable Branding: Represent your brand with custom logos, theme colors and domains.
  • AI-Generated Tags: Organize and make answers easily accessible with AI-generated tags.
  • Analytics: See how users engage with your content with real-time analytics on article views, so you can focus on what matters.
  • Embedding: Easily embed FAQs on your website or create public pages that match your brand.
  • API Integration: Integrate with API to fit your project design and needs.

The pricing plans are designed to fit different user needs:

  • Tester: €0, no cost, forever, with 1 project, 10 questions, and a help page.
  • Pay as you go: €89, one-time payment, with unlimited questions, views counter, SEO adaptation, custom domain and SSL, embed images, embed on website, and 30-day money back guarantee.
  • Limitless: €789, one-time payment, with unlimited projects, unlimited questions, views counter, SEO adaptation, custom domain and SSL, embed images, embed on website, and 30-day money back guarantee.

In-app purchases are available for custom design, teams and API upgrades. FAQ Nation offers a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, meaning that if you're not satisfied, you'll get a full refund.

FAQ Nation is perfect for businesses and website managers who want to manage FAQs in an efficient and personalized way, freeing up time for support and improving user experience. The tool is hosted and operated in the EU, ensuring that the integration with your website is seamless and that the information is available to your users.

Published on July 11, 2024

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