
Upload original music files and receive complementary tracks generated by AI, expanding your sound and sparking new creative ideas.
Music Generation AI-assisted Music Creation Creative Collaboration Tools

ExtendMusic applies generative AI technology to augment and expand original music compositions. The tool is geared for musicians looking to boost their sound and try out new ideas. After uploading a music file, ExtendMusic's AI model creates new tracks that complement the original music, offering musicians a new source of inspiration.

Here are some of the top features of ExtendMusic:

  • AI Music Generation: Upload your music and let the AI create new, inspiring tracks that expand your sound.
  • Free to Start: Get started without any upfront costs and go through a one-minute onboarding process.

ExtendMusic is useful for musicians who want to expand on their own work without spending hours composing music manually. By using AI, musicians can accelerate their creative process and explore new directions. For those curious about AI-generated music, ExtendMusic is a low-risk way to try it out with no upfront costs. Check out their website to get started and see what's possible with AI-assisted music creation.

Published on June 9, 2024

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