
Produces high-quality translations at a lower cost and faster rate, leveraging AI and human expertise to deliver 25,000 words per day at 0.01€ per word.
Language Translation Content Generation Automation Workflows

EasyTranslate is an artificial intelligence-powered language operations platform designed to help businesses communicate more effectively around the world. By harnessing the power of AI and human expertise, EasyTranslate produces translations that are both high-quality and fast, and at a lower cost than traditional translation methods. The platform is designed for businesses that need to create content in multiple languages that stays true to their brand.

EasyTranslate uses AI to handle the lion's share of the translation work, with human oversight where needed. The result is translations that are produced quickly at a cost of 0.01€ per word. Translations are delivered at a rate of up to 25,000 words per day, a significant improvement over the time and expense of traditional translation methods.

Some of the key features of EasyTranslate include:

  • Human Quality Assurance: Produces translations that are better than human quality, with an error rate of 1 mistake per 1,000 words.
  • On-brand Content: Combines AI and human expertise to ensure translations stay true to your brand voice.
  • Content Generation: Uses AI to create engaging content in any language.
  • Automation Workflows: Automates translation tasks and eliminates manual steps.
  • Integrations: Integrates with popular tools like Optimizely, Zapier, Blackbird, Shopify and Figma.

EasyTranslate pricing is flexible, with options for monthly or annual subscriptions, project-based pricing and custom enterprise pricing. The service offers a free trial so you can try it before committing to a paid plan.

For companies that need to translate content regularly, EasyTranslate offers a cost-effective and efficient option. With an accuracy rate that surpasses traditional standards, the service is useful for a broad range of industries and use cases.

Published on June 27, 2024

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