If you're looking for something other than Dynamic, Auth0 is a strong contender. It's got a lot of authentication and authorization features, including Universal Login, Single Sign On and Multifactor Authentication. Auth0 is highly customizable and scalable, so it works for everything from small startups to big businesses. It supports passwordless authentication and has a lot of developer tools, too, so you can start coding right away and then upgrade to a paid plan.
Another option is Galxe, a decentralized super app and on-chain distribution platform. Galxe has a range of tools, including the Galxe Identity Protocol, which uses zero-knowledge proof technology for identity management, and Galxe Passport for storing and sharing identity information. It also has tools like Galxe Quest for community growth and engagement and Galxe Score for reputation management, so it's a good foundation for Web3 apps.
Clerk is a full-stack user management platform that handles authentication and user management for you. It supports multifactor authentication, password authentication and social sign-on, and has flexible APIs and admin interfaces. Clerk also supports multi-tenancy and custom roles, so it can accommodate different needs for different apps. It's got a free tier for up to 10,000 monthly active users and 100 monthly active orgs, with more features in the Pro and Enterprise tiers.