
Automatically converts podcast episodes into various marketing materials, including show notes, social media posts, and transcripts, within hours.
Content Generation Automated Marketing Podcasting Tools

Dubb is an automated assistant that can create a variety of marketing materials for podcasters. It can convert podcast episodes into show notes, social media posts, newsletter articles, transcripts and other formats within hours.

Among the features of Dubb are:

  • Episode titles and descriptions
  • Keywords
  • TikTok, LinkedIn and Twitter posts
  • Posts for each guest
  • Newsletter content
  • Transcripts

Dubb uses artificial intelligence to repackage audio into visual and written content that you can post directly. You can sign up with an email address to use the service, and you get 30 minutes of free use to try it out. The company promises to respect your data privacy, sharing only its output for you to publish and not sharing data with third parties.

Dubb's pricing tiers are:

  • Creator: $24.99 per month for 10 hours of podcast audio converted into engaging marketing content, with a 48-hour response time for support requests.
  • Pro: $59.99 per month for 30 hours of podcast audio converted into engaging marketing content, with a 24-hour response time for support requests.
  • Enterprise: Custom plans for 100+ hours of podcast audio, with a customized plan to meet your needs.

Dubb is designed to free up podcasters' time and energy so they can concentrate on other aspects of their shows. For anyone looking to automate marketing tasks, Dubb is a useful tool that can be integrated with a variety of other tools.

Published on June 14, 2024

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