
Explore infinite-canvas interface for large language models, comparing and linking results to create flexible environments for artistic and research endeavors.
Language Model Exploration AI Model Playground Conversational AI Interface

Dreamspace is an infinite-canvas interface for exploring the output of large language models. You can run prompts, compare results, and link them together into a flexible environment for artists, engineers and researchers to try out AI models.

On the Dreamspace canvas, you can drop generations of prompts you've selected by clicking anywhere. Clicking on other prompts changes the selection, so you can easily move around. You can expand the details of each node on the canvas -- a prompt, chat message or generation -- by clicking on it. Edges between nodes show how chat messages are related or how different versions of a prompt are connected.

Dreamspace lets you pick up a conversation thread from any message in the conversation or split off from any prompt to try a different text or model. You can use the output as context for a new prompt, so you can be very creative and flexible.

Dreamspace packages its features into "spaces," essentially model playgrounds for multimodal projects. You can switch among different AI models within the same space, and you can reuse generations as prompts without having to switch tools.

A free demo version is available, but the Pro version adds features like saved spaces, premium tools and priority support. Later updates should make the tool more powerful with features like importing/exporting prompts, more models and sharing by URL.

Published on June 14, 2024

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