
Generate multiple production-ready hero copy variations with a single click, exploring brand voices from leading companies to optimize product messaging for first-time visitors.
Content Generation AI-powered Copywriting Landing Page Optimization

Dittto uses AI to help you iterate on your landing page hero copy so your product is immediately clear to prospects. It addresses the problem of confusing hero copy that can hurt conversions. With Dittto, you can explore and try on brand voices from leading companies in your industry or from a library of 50+ SaaS brands, generating multiple production-ready variations with a single click.

Dittto analyzes your existing website to ensure product positioning consistency, and it's geared for optimizing for first-time visitors. The company believes in the importance of clear messaging, pointing to statistics like 35% of people leaving without scrolling and 57% of reading time spent above the fold.

The tool's features include automatically discovering brand voices and generating production-ready hero copy variations. The idea is to let people A/B test and improve their product messaging.

Dittto has two pricing tiers to accommodate different needs:

  • For Growth Marketers: A one-time fee of $19.99 gets you 200 AI credits (enough for 5-10 pages), fine-tuned GPT-4 models and unlimited website audits.
  • For Solopreneurs: A one-time fee of $9.99 gets you 50 AI credits (enough for 1-3 pages) and fine-tuned GPT-3.5-turbo models.

Both plans come with 5 free credits and let you try on 50+ brand voices. By using AI, Dittto hopes to bring high-quality hero copy within reach at a lower price. To learn more about how Dittto can help you refine your landing page hero copy, check out the company's website.

Published on June 14, 2024

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