
Explore and understand your emotions through conversational interactions, tracking mental state metrics and spotting trends to achieve mental balance.
Mental Health Support Emotional Intelligence Self-Care Solutions

Deepen is an AI-powered therapy and counseling platform that lets you explore and understand your feelings and emotions through conversational interactions. You can chat, talk or write about your daily life, thoughts and feelings in a private journal, with AI prompts to help you express yourself. The idea is to help you understand yourself better by spotting trends and figuring out what makes you happy, stressed or energized.

Some of the key features include:

  • Chat and Talk: Have text-based or voice conversations about your thoughts and feelings.
  • Insights Dashboard: See mental state metrics over time, including mood, energy and stress.
  • Auto-Analyze Entries: Get metrics and summaries of past entries to spot trends.

Deepen is intended as a self-care companion, letting you monitor your mental health and learn more about yourself. By encouraging open expression and guided reflection, Deepen is designed to help you find areas for improvement and achieve mental balance.

Published on June 14, 2024

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