If you're looking for something other than CowManager, you might want to check out Cropwise. This digital platform is designed to optimize farm operations and improve crop efficiency. It offers various applications such as Operations for real-time field monitoring, Imagery for monitoring crop health, and Sustainability for assessing and improving sustainability performance. Although it's geared more toward crop efficiency than cow management, it's a more comprehensive suite of tools for farmers who want to make data-driven decisions and optimize their operations.
Another alternative is Agromonitoring, a precision farming service that supplies satellite and weather data to help you manage crops. The service includes tools like Agro Dashboard for visual field monitoring, Crop Map for analytical reports, and Agro Analytics for detailed crop condition analysis. Although it's geared more toward crop management, it could be useful if you need high-quality data for monitoring and decision-making.
These platforms provide powerful tools and data-driven insights that can help you manage and optimize your farm operations, whether you're focused on crop efficiency or more general farm management.