Competitor Research

Uncover comprehensive competitor insights with AI-driven research reports, including search traffic, keyword analysis, backlink analysis, and more to inform your business strategy.
Competitor Analysis Market Research Business Intelligence

Competitor Research is a service to produce competitor research reports for businesses. The service will help you identify and research competitors, and then generate a report that covers the most important aspects of your competitors.

Competitor Research uses AI to find companies based on the problems they solve, so you get a comprehensive list of direct, indirect, substitute and potential competitors. The report includes a wealth of information, including:

  • Search Traffic: A breakdown of organic and paid search traffic for your competitors.
  • Keyword Analysis: Keywords your competitors are ranking for.
  • Backlink Analysis: Websites that link to your competitors.
  • Target Audience: Identification of the audience your competitors are targeting.
  • Customer Engagement: How your competitors are engaging with their customers.
  • Pricing Strategy: An analysis of your competitor’s pricing.
  • Website Performance: Insights into your competitor’s website performance.
  • Reviews: What people are saying about your competitors.

The tool is geared for businesses looking to expand their customer base and develop a competitive strategy. The reports can help you understand how to reach more customers, launch better products and improve your marketing.

Competitor Research offers a single all-in plan costing $79, which includes:

  • Full list of competitors
  • Detailed summary of your company vs. competition
  • Individual deep dive on each competitor
  • Keyword research
  • Backlinks for each competitor
  • Web traffic analysis
  • Actionable insights
  • Complete money-back guarantee

There is no recurring subscription, so you pay once for the full report. You can access the report at any time, as it doesn't expire. Although geared for online businesses, Competitor Research also can help traditional businesses understand their competitors' online presence.

Competitor Research ensures that the information provided is not generated solely through ChatGPT, but rather through multiple proprietary sources and manual processes. This ensures a high-quality competitor research report that is tailored to your specific needs.

Published on July 9, 2024

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