
Protect 12% of the world's inboxes with advanced, accurate mobile messaging security solutions.
Email Security Mobile Messaging Security Threat Intelligence Cybersecurity

Cloudmark is a well-established and respected leader in intelligent threat protection, protecting 12% of the world's inboxes from both widespread and targeted email threats. The platform offers advanced and accurate mobile messaging security through the combination of industry-leading predictive machine learning technology and the world's largest mobile messaging threat analysis system.

Cloudmark's solutions are designed for Mobile Operators and Internet Service Providers (ISPs), offering a variety of features to protect email and mobile messaging. For Mobile Operators, it offers the fastest and most accurate response to protect mobile networks, monetize traffic by detecting and stopping grey route abuse, and protect Rich Communications Services (RCS) and future mobile messaging traffic. ISPs can leverage Cloudmark to protect email environments on-premises or in the cloud, providing real-time threat insight through automated scanning and analysis.

Some of the key Cloudmark features include:

  • Security Operation Centers (SOC) Services: Leverage highly skilled personnel to monitor, analyze and respond to messaging threats.
  • Threat Insight: Leverage real-time global threat data to power security services and protect customers.
  • Mobile Messaging Security: Protect mobile messaging from known and emerging threats with automated, predictive and real-time security products.
  • Cloudmark Spam Reporting Service (SRS): Enable mobile users to report spam, providing real-time visibility and actionable intelligence on mobile messaging threats.
  • Cloudmark Cloud for Mobile: Provides a comprehensive, cloud-based service for mobile operators to protect SMS, MMS, RCS and Email to SMS messaging.

Cloudmark's value proposition is to provide carrier-grade messaging protection and visibility, protecting against spam, phishing, viruses and malware across mobile messaging, email, rich communication and social media. By ensuring compliance with regulations, it also helps maximize revenue and profit from messaging assets.

Pricing information is not publicly available, but customers can learn more about the value of working with Cloudmark by engaging with their Security Operation Centers and leveraging their comprehensive suite of tools and capabilities.

Published on July 11, 2024

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