
Combines machine learning-powered threat detection with risk assessment, providing accurate and timely threat intelligence to protect against malicious URLs, IPs, files, and apps.
Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Machine Learning Deployment

BrightCloud's threat intelligence security services are designed to help protect against malicious URLs, IPs, files and mobile apps. It combines threat detection with risk assessment through the integration of timely, accurate threat intelligence. The cloud-based service uses sixth-generation machine learning technology for the highest levels of reliability, accuracy, depth and timeliness.

BrightCloud's features include:

  • Automated Security Decision Making: Machine learning technology, powered by hundreds of millions of real-world data sources, for real-time threat detection.
  • Predictive Threat Intelligence: Contextual threat intelligence scores data objects based on current attributes, historical behavior, and associations with other malicious objects, providing a highly accurate predictive score of maliciousness.
  • Proven Experience: More than a decade of machine learning experience, trusted by industry leading IT security vendors for accurate threat intelligence and low false positive rates.

BrightCloud services include:

  • Web Classification and Reputation Service: Predictive risk scoring for URLs to help prevent users from reaching potentially dangerous websites.
  • IP Reputation Service: Scans IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to identify malicious IP addresses, allowing for the blocking of traffic from known bad actors.
  • Real-Time Anti-Phishing Service: Identifies advanced phishing attacks by evaluating requested URLs for malicious activity.
  • Streaming Malware Detection Service: Identifies both known and polymorphic malware by flagging files as they cross the network perimeter.
  • File Reputation Service: Evaluates files against a cloud-based database of known good and bad file behavior records to quickly block malicious files.
  • Cloud Service Intelligence: Helps cloud access security brokers and other vendors prevent unauthorized, unwanted and non-compliant use of cloud services and applications.
  • Mobile Security SDK: Allows technology partners to monitor smartphones for malicious apps and improve mobile security.

BrightCloud offers flexible pricing models to accommodate a wide range of business needs. BrightCloud services can be integrated through RESTful APIs and SDKs that can be easily integrated into existing solutions. The company offers technical documentation and support to ensure a smooth development and maintenance process. The company releases regular updates to the SDKs, ensuring customers are protected from the latest cyber threats. BrightCloud is trusted by more than 140 security leaders and innovators, providing effective threat intelligence solutions for a rapidly changing threat landscape.

Published on June 24, 2024

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