
Enhance your YouTube experience with real-time chat, summaries, and key points, and get answers to your questions about video content.
Video Content Analysis AI-powered Chatbots Language Translation Educational Technology Content Enhancement

ChatTube is a web app and Chrome extension that uses AI to augment your YouTube watching experience. It lets you chat with YouTube videos in real-time for a more engaging and informative experience. Some of its features include:

  • Ask questions: Get answers about the video content.
  • Get summaries: Get a quick summary of the video.
  • Pinpoint key points: Find out what the video is about.
  • Translate content: Watch videos in a language you can understand.

ChatTube is geared for different types of people, including:

  • Educators and students: Learn more about educational videos with AI-powered discussions.
  • Tech and gadget enthusiasts: Keep up with the latest tech with AI-powered discussions.
  • Content creators: Inspire your creativity with AI-powered discussions on video trends.

ChatTube offers three plans:

  • Essential: $4.99/month, $49.90/year. Good for light use, with a 30-video-per-day and 30-message-per-video limit.
  • Growth: $9.99/month, $99.90/year. Good for more video chats and more messages, with a 100-video-per-day and 100-message-per-video limit.
  • Pro: $14.99/month, $149.90/year. Good for heavy use, with no limits on video chats and messages.

The AI chatbot uses ChatGPT to analyze video content and generate a discussion that's tailored to you. You can view your chat history and set your preferred chat language. The extension works on Chromium-based browsers, but a web version is available for other browsers.

ChatTube regularly updates its features and encourages feedback. New users can try the Essential plan for free for a month if they provide feedback through the app's feedback form.

Published on June 9, 2024

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