
Generates custom cover letters and resumes in seconds, using your skills and experience to create job-winning applications.
Job Search Assistance Resume Generation AI-powered Recruitment Tools

BuildMeACoverLetter is an AI-based tool that helps you find a job by generating custom cover letters and resumes. The platform uses your skills and experience to create job-winning applications.

Here are some of the key features:

  • AI Cover Letter and Resume Generation: Get custom cover letters and resumes in seconds.
  • Job Search Help: Access thousands of jobs matched to your experience and get free access.
  • Easy Resume Customization: Get a custom resume for any job description based on your experience.

The pricing tiers are designed to accommodate different levels of job hunting activity:

  • FREE: One free credit to try out the features, including cover letter and resume generation and AI job search.
  • $5/month (Casually Looking): 5 credits for cover letter and resume generation and job search assistant.
  • $20 (Actively Looking): One-time payment for 30 days of unlimited access to all features.
  • $50 (Seriously Looking): One-time payment for 90 days of unlimited access to all features.

BuildMeACoverLetter is designed to make the job hunt easier and faster, letting you focus on creating compelling applications and finding a job that's right for you. It's for anyone looking to boost their job hunt with AI-powered tools.

Published on June 14, 2024

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