Botcast AI

Converts podcasts into interactive Q&A experiences, enabling listeners to search, explore, and engage with content in a more personalized and in-depth way.
Podcast Optimization Content Monetization Interactive Audio Experiences

Botcast AI transforms your podcast into a dynamic, interactive Q&A experience that engages listeners and opens up new monetization opportunities. By converting your podcast episodes into Q&A conversations, Botcast AI lets listeners explore your content in more depth and get a more personal connection.

Some of the features include:

  • Instant Search: So listeners can search your entire episode archive instantly.
  • Bite-sized Summaries: So Botcast AI can automatically generate summaries of each episode.
  • Citations: So Botcast AI can link directly to the episode segments for each answer.
  • Analytics Dashboard: So you can track engagement metrics, top keywords and unanswered questions to inform future content.

Botcast AI works with popular hosting services and directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Buzzsprout and Podbean so it fits into existing podcast infrastructure.

Pricing tiers vary depending on your needs:

  • Starter: $15 per month (200 minutes of podcast content)
  • Pro: $50 per month (800 minutes of podcast content)
  • Premium: $150 per month (2,500 minutes of podcast content)

The tiers vary in terms of content support, analytics and customization, so Botcast AI should work for both new and experienced podcasters. By using Botcast AI, podcasters can increase listener engagement, open up new revenue streams with targeted ads and improve their content with audience feedback.

Published on June 14, 2024

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