Bosch IoT Suite

Streamline IoT development and operations with a scalable suite of tools for device management, data analytics, and edge computing.
IoT Device Management IoT Data Management Edge Computing

Bosch IoT Suite is a suite of tools that can help you build and run advanced IoT projects. It's a family of products and services for IoT device management, IoT data management and IoT edge capabilities. The suite is designed to streamline processes, accelerate development and improve quality by taking advantage of the power of IoT.

Among the features of Bosch IoT Suite:

  • IoT Device Management: Manage, update, control and service IoT devices over their entire lifecycle.
  • IoT Data Management & Analytics: Collect, process, store, analyze and use IoT data to get the most out of it.
  • IoT Edge & Analytics: Give devices AI smarts for intelligent edge solutions.

The services are geared for use in industries like automotive, smart cities, agriculture and HVAC. Bosch IoT Suite is designed to be flexible and secure, with heavy use of open-source software like Eclipse Kanto, Eclipse Ditto, Eclipse hawkBit, Eclipse Hono, Eclipse Vorto and Eclipse Californium.

Bosch IoT Suite comes with a variety of service plans to suit different needs:

Plan Monthly Subscription Feature Set Support Plan Custom Configurations Availability SLA Max Capacity
Free €0 Limited Bronze With support of service team Not guaranteed 3 devices, 5,000 updates/month
Premium Contact Us Full Bronze Unlimited with ‘pay-as-you-grow’ pricing 99.5% Unlimited with 'pay-as-you-grow' pricing

Support plans range from Basic to Gold, with different response times, critical incident alarming and user support cases.

Bosch IoT Suite is designed to make IoT integration easier and more manageable, with a single, scalable foundation for IoT projects. Its open-source underpinnings and flexible service plans make it a good option for companies that want to squeeze as much as possible out of their IoT projects.

Published on July 24, 2024

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