Cloud IoT Core

Connect and manage global IoT devices, and integrate with AI and ML for better insights and automation, on a scalable and secure infrastructure.
IoT Device Management Industrial Automation Artificial Intelligence Solutions

Cloud IoT Core is a service that helps you connect, manage and ingest data from devices all over the world. By tapping into Google Cloud infrastructure, you can build powerful IoT solutions that integrate with other Google Cloud services like AI and ML for better insights and automation.

Cloud IoT Core offers a range of benefits, including:

  • AI and ML: Run enterprise-grade AI to process and analyze IoT data.
  • Global Infrastructure: Use the same infrastructure as Google for scalability and reliability.
  • Security: Protect IoT devices and data with robust security.

Cloud IoT Core is suited for a wide range of industries, including retail, consumer packaged goods, financial services, healthcare and more. It can be used for specific use cases like:

  • Supply Chain and Logistics: Connect IoT devices to streamline operations and make better decisions.
  • Manufacturing: Use IoT data insights to optimize production and product lifecycle management.

With Cloud IoT Core, you can speed up your digital transformation journey by modernizing business applications, improving productivity and driving innovation with AI-powered solutions.

Published on July 6, 2024

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