
Accelerate development with pre-built NextJs boilerplates, featuring AI integrations, user authentication, database integration, and more, to get SaaS apps up and running quickly.
SaaS Development AI Integration NextJs Development

BoilerCode also offers NextJs boilerplates that are designed to get you up and running faster with the features and integrations you'll need. The service offers a collection of boilerplates for NextJs apps, specifically geared towards SaaS and AI integrations.

Some of the features included in BoilerCode boilerplates:

  • User Authentication: Handles user auth with NextAuth, including social login and magic links.
  • Database Integration: Uses Prisma for easy database switching.
  • Landing Page: Includes pre-built landing page templates for a quick start.
  • Email Integration: Uses Mailgun SMTP server for sending emails.
  • Payment Integration: Supports Stripe and LemonSqueezy payments.
  • Customer Support: Integrates with Crisp.
  • Google Analytics: Fully integrated for analytics.
  • Custom SEO: Supports SEO components for easy optimization.
  • Langchain, Pinecone & OpenAI Integration: Included for AI integrations.

BoilerCode offers different tiers of boilerplates, each with different feature sets and prices:

  • NextJs SaaS + AI: Includes all the above features, plus Langchain, Pinecone and OpenAI integrations, for $199 (originally $299).
  • NextJs SaaS: A basic boilerplate with the above features for $129 (originally $229).
  • React Boilerplates: For Chrome extensions built with React, $79 (originally $199).

To get started with BoilerCode, you'll need to update your own credentials in the .env file, install dependencies and run the server on localhost. The service also offers guides for setting up authentication, email integration, database integration and more in the boilerplate codebase.

BoilerCode is designed to speed up development by providing pre-built components and integrations, making it useful for developers and product builders who want to get SaaS and AI apps up and running as fast as possible.

Published on June 13, 2024

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