
Jumpstart SaaS development with a full-stack boilerplate, featuring one-click deployment, AI integration, and pre-built features for payments, emails, and authentication.
SaaS Development Boilerplate and Starter Kits AI Integration

SaaSBold is a full-stack, production-ready SaaS boilerplate and starter kit built on Next.js, React, and Node.js. It includes the necessary integrations and features to get you started with SaaS product development as fast as possible, with one-click deployment on Vercel. This boilerplate is designed to maximize developer experience, front-end and back-end functionality, and integrations.

SaaSBold is loaded with unique features and values that differentiate it from mainstream SaaS boilerplates. It lets you get your SaaS startups or web applications up and running in a day, with the latest technologies and tools. Some of the key features include:

  • Payments and Subscriptions: Integrations with Stripe and LemonSqueezy for billing and user payment handling.
  • Transactional Emails: Easy transactional email sending for activation emails, magic links, and password reset emails using SMTP credentials.
  • Admin Dashboard: User-friendly interface for managing SaaS operations, including user roles, permissions, and access controls.
  • Newsletter: Integration with Mailchimp for sending newsletters to users.
  • AI Integration: Pre-configured AI integration using OpenAI SDK for fast development of AI-powered applications.
  • Multidimensional Authentication: Customizable authentication flow using Auth.js, supporting magic links, social logins, and traditional email/password authentication.
  • Database: Easy integration with preferred databases using Prisma ORM, supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB.
  • User Dashboard: Gives end-users the ability to control and manage their account settings.
  • Internationalization: Supports language switching and translation of labels and messages.

SaaSBold also includes the necessary SaaS pages and components, such as auth pages, business pages, and a working blog with Sanity for content management. It is SEO and performance optimized for fast load times and search engine visibility.

The premium plans include features like an admin dashboard for managing operations, a user dashboard for end-users, and editable Figma design source files for customizing the design. Lifetime free updates and premium email support for one year are also included.

SaaSBold is designed to make SaaS development faster and easier, saving you time and money and letting you focus on your business. Its modern technologies and comprehensive set of features make it a great tool for launching and running successful SaaS startups.

Published on June 14, 2024

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