
Enlarge images up to 16x without losing detail, using deep convolutional neural networks to intelligently remove noise and serration, preserving colors and edges.
Image Enlargement Deep Learning Deployment Artificial Intelligence Solutions

Bigjpg is a lossless image enlarger that uses deep convolutional neural networks to make intelligent decisions about noise and serration in images, letting you expand them without losing detail. It's particularly good for anime-style artwork, preserving colors, details and edges, but it works on regular photos, too.

Bigjpg employs a custom algorithm tuned to the lines and colors of images, producing higher-quality enlargements than conventional tools like Photoshop. The tool cuts down on artifacts like blur and noise, too, for clean, detailed images.

You can upload images up to 3000x3000px (5MB) for free, but paid accounts can handle 50MB. Speed depends on the size of the original image and server load, but Bigjpg shows an estimated time remaining once the job is underway. You can keep your browser open so you don't lose the enlarged image, or log in to enable offline processing.

Bigjpg has a few pricing tiers to suit different needs:

  • Free Plan: 20 pictures/month, slow speed, shared server, 5MB max upload size, 4x max enlarging ratio.
  • Basic: $6/month, 500 pictures/month, top priority speed, high-performance server, 50MB max upload size, 16x max enlarging ratio, parallel enlarging, batch mode.
  • Standard: $12/month, 1000 pictures/month, top priority speed, high-performance server, 50MB max upload size, 16x max enlarging ratio, parallel enlarging, batch mode.
  • Premium: $22/month, 2000 pictures/month, top priority speed, high-performance server, 50MB max upload size, 16x max enlarging ratio, parallel enlarging, batch mode.

Bigjpg also offers an API for building image-enlarging abilities into other software. After logging in, you can use the API to expand images programmatically. The API for submitting jobs, querying results and retrying jobs is available in JSON format and offers several options for style, noise and enlarge ratios.

Bigjpg protects privacy by deleting uploaded and enlarged images after three days. Image links are encrypted so others can't access them unless you share them. You can change your server location for faster downloads if you need that.

If you need a reliable and fast way to expand images, Bigjpg is a useful tool that can take advantage of the power of AI for good results. Check out the Bigjpg website to learn more and get started with their service.

Published on June 13, 2024

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