
Monitors and takes down digital threats across multiple web layers, providing industry-leading takedown workflows and scalable threat intelligence for robust cyber defense.
Cybersecurity Artificial Intelligence Threat Intelligence Brand Protection

Axur is a comprehensive cybersecurity platform that uses artificial intelligence to monitor and take down digital threats across multiple layers of the web, including the Deep and Dark Web. It's designed to quickly identify and take down threats with industry-leading takedown workflows and scalable threat intelligence.

Axur offers a variety of features to help you harden your external cyber defenses:

  • Cyber Threat Intelligence: Automated threat intel analyst Polaris provides curated and actionable insights by scanning, summarizing and correlating threat alerts to specific Attack Surface Maps.
  • Brand Protection: Detects and automates removal of brand impersonation attempts, including phishing and fake accounts, to protect brand integrity.
  • Takedown: AI-powered automation for fast and effective threat removal with a 98.9% success rate.
  • Deep & Dark Web: Combines monitoring with access to a broad data lake for deeper insights and fast response to mentions or anomalies.
  • VIP Protection: Protects high-value accounts by quickly removing PII and taking down fake accounts.
  • Data Leakage: Protects data across all web layers to prevent breaches and compromised credentials.
  • Online Piracy: Sophisticated tools for global counterfeit detection and removal from major marketplaces.

Axur's AI-based solutions are designed to identify and respond to external threats with precision and speed. The platform is designed to help businesses reduce risk from phishing scams, brand impersonation and data breaches, and maintain a strong cyber posture.

Axur offers a premium experience with customizable support, easily integrating with your preferred technology stack. The platform's intuitive dashboard and advanced reporting capabilities make it easy for a broad range of users, from security teams to executives.

Check out the Axur website to learn more and schedule a customized demo to see what it can do.

Published on June 14, 2024

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