Auto Index

Ensures website URLs are indexed quickly, submitting up to 200 pages daily, and provides keyword and URL analytics for optimized search engine rankings.
Search Engine Optimization Website Analytics Automated Reporting

Auto Index is an AI-powered SEO tool that helps you ensure your website URLs are indexed quickly. It's designed to help you get over the hump of getting your web pages indexed by Google, using the Google Search Console API to export and analyze data. The tool promises that your pages will be indexed within 48 hours, and it's geared for creators and growing businesses.

Among its features:

  • Auto Index New Pages: Indexes new pages in Google's search engine.
  • Index Pages with Google: Submits up to 200 pages per day for indexing.
  • Sync Sitemaps: Submits pages to Google daily.
  • Check Index Status: Automatically checks the live index status of pages.
  • Keyword and URL Analytics: Offers insights into keyword traffic and URL performance.
  • Traffic Dashboards: Offers a detailed view of website traffic.

The tool checks the indexing status of website URLs daily and ensures that unindexed URLs are indexed within 48 hours. The automated process helps you keep a pulse on your website data so you can optimize search engine rankings and performance.

Pricing tiers vary depending on your needs:

  • Pro plan: $9.9/month, good for new creators, indexes up to 200 pages per day and supports 5 sites.
  • Pro plan: $19.9/month, good for growing businesses, supports 15 sites and indexes up to 400 pages per day.
  • Business plan: $69.9/month, good for marketing managers, supports unlimited sites and indexes up to 600 pages per day.

Auto Index is good for anyone who wants to automate website data management and improve search engine visibility. It's particularly useful for people who have a lot of pages to index and want to do it quickly and accurately. By automating the process of getting pages indexed by Google, the tool lets you focus on creating and optimizing content.

Published on June 14, 2024

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