Tag Parrot

Automatically index website pages in hours, with one-click bulk indexing and daily email digests, to turbocharge your SEO efforts.
SEO Automation Search Engine Optimization Website Management

Tag Parrot gets you to that point by automatically indexing your website pages in a few hours. If you're finding it hard to index pages manually in Google Search Console, Tag Parrot also has a one-click bulk indexing option to make it easier and faster.

Tag Parrot is built to speed up your SEO work. Instead of spending hours manually submitting pages to Google, you can focus on marketing and other work. Once you've set it up, you can turn on auto-indexing and get daily email digests of all the pages that have been indexed.

Some of the key features of Tag Parrot include:

  • Auto Sync Your Websites: Pull all of your websites and sitemaps directly from Google Search Console, ready to use.
  • Simple Site Management: View and manage all your sites in one place, with the ability to activate a site to start the indexing process.
  • Bulk Index Pages with Google: Submit a batch of pages to be indexed by Google in one click.
  • Auto Index Pages with Google: Automatically submit all un-indexed pages to turbo charge your SEO.
  • View Current Index Status: See live index status of your pages every 24 hours.
  • Auto Sitemap Sync: Sync your sitemaps every day to check for new pages.
  • Indexing Queue: Prioritize pages by submitting them manually and they will be queued for the next available slot.

Tag Parrot works with a variety of websites, including Wix, Gatsby, Next.js, Bubble, Ghost, Shopify, Squarespace, Webflow and WordPress. It has flexible pricing options to accommodate different needs, from personal blogs to large SEO agencies.

Pricing is based on the number of sites and daily indexing quota:

  • Small: 3 sites, index up to 200 pages per day, link 2 Google Accounts ($11/month)
  • Medium: 10 sites, index up to 400 pages per day, link 3 Google Accounts ($29/month)
  • Large: 20 sites, index up to 600 pages per day, link 4 Google Accounts ($59/month)
  • Agency: 50 sites, index up to 1000 pages per day, link 5 Google Accounts ($129/month)

All plans include auto indexing, bulk indexing, live index status checks, auto sitemap syncing and the ability to link multiple Google Search Console accounts. Check the Tag Parrot website for more details and to get started with your indexing needs.

Published on June 13, 2024

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