
Combine images, text, and shapes to generate unique images, and remix millions of user-created images in a collaborative, community-driven platform.
AI Art Generation Collaborative Design Image Editing Generative Adversarial Networks Artificial Intelligence

Artbreeder is a collaborative AI image generator. It comes with a variety of tools, including Composer and Collager, that let you create images by combining images and text or basic shapes, images and text. The service is designed to foster collaboration, where any image can be remixed by anyone else. You can follow artists you like, share your own work, and enter daily challenges.

The collaborative nature of the service means you can browse millions of images and remix any of them, creating a very different kind of creative community. Daily challenges and an active AI art community help keep people engaged and eager to show off their creations.

Artbreeder employs Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) like BigGAN and StyleGAN to generate images. The basic features are free, but Artbreeder Pro adds features like faster rendering, higher resolution downloads and better privacy controls. There are several pricing tiers for individuals, including:

  • Starter: $7.49/month (~12,000 SDXL images)
  • Advanced: $15.99/month (~33,000 SDXL images)
  • Champion: $30.99/month (~84,000 SDXL images)

Each tier comes with a different number of credits that can be redeemed for image generation, and you can upgrade or renew when you're out. Artbreeder Pro is intended to fund independent software development so the service remains available to the community. If you need more credits, you can buy them through the account page.

Artbreeder is designed to help people be more creative by making collaboration and exploration easier. It supports several image models and has been developed by a number of people and organizations. By using Artbreeder, you become part of a creative super-organism that expands the possibilities of AI-generated art.

Published on June 14, 2024

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