
Generates detailed product specifications, architectural plans, and implementation roadmaps, ensuring complete and accurate project requirements for efficient development.
Software Development Tools Product Design AI-Powered Project Management

Archie is an AI-powered tool that can help overhaul the process of designing digital products by creating detailed specifications, designing and applying architectural plans, and shepherding the entire journey from concept to creation. The result is a clearer path to better development, with complete product requirements and designs delivered to developers for a more efficient and cost-effective process.

Archie is designed to help you plan and design software applications. Some of its features include:

  • Implementation Plans: Create detailed architecture, UX/UI designs, specifications and requirements for projects.
  • AI-Driven Assistance: Uses multiple large language models to create detailed project plans, ensuring completeness and accuracy.
  • Creativity Focus: Orchestrates AI API calls to reduce the need for manual prompt engineering, so you can focus on the creative work.
  • Comprehensive Requirements: Ensures projects are fully described before development, reducing software defects.
  • Proactive Suggestions: Identifies potential problems and suggests improvements to project value and soundness.

Archie's process involves six steps:

  1. Ideation: Sketches out application personality and creates a digital blueprint.
  2. Requirements: Creates detailed user types, module definitions and requirements.
  3. Visual Architecture: Defines user interface systems and wireframes.
  4. Technical Architecture: Defines architecture based on captured requirements.
  5. Planning: Helps with project planning, pricing and proposal creation.
  6. Interactive Feedback: Allows users to ask questions and make requests through a chat interface.

Archie pricing tiers are as follows:

  • Ideation: Free, includes up to 5 digital blueprints and unlimited editing.
  • Professional: $250/month, includes up to 10 digital blueprints per month, detailed requirements and design modules, and advanced AI editing.
  • Organization: Custom pricing for organizations, includes multiple editors, advanced requirements, and white-labeling.

Archie is for anyone involved in software projects, including founders, business leaders, product managers, designers and software development companies. By using AI, Archie streamlines the planning process, saving time and money while ensuring project requirements are complete and accurate.

Published on June 14, 2024

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