Alpha Vantage

Access real-time and historical financial market data, including global news and sentiment scores, through a comprehensive API with over 50 technical indicators.
Financial Data APIs Real-time Market Data Algorithmic Trading

Alpha Vantage offers free stock APIs in JSON and CSV formats that return real-time and historical financial market data for stocks, options, forex, commodities and cryptocurrencies. It also offers global market news and sentiment scores calculated with AI-powered machine learning.

Alpha Vantage offers intraday, daily, weekly and monthly quotes for detailed technical analysis with chartable time series data. The API also includes more than 50 technical indicators and spans multiple global exchanges. You can get real-time and historical data for traditional asset classes like stocks, ETFs and mutual funds, as well as economic indicators, foreign exchange rates and commodities.

The API is split into eight categories: Core Time Series Stock Data, US Options Data, Alpha Intelligence, Fundamental Data, Currency Data, Commodities, Economic Indicators and Technical Indicators. Each category has a variety of endpoints for retrieving specific data.

For example, the Time Series Stock Data API offers global equity data in four resolutions: daily, weekly, monthly and intraday. You can retrieve both raw and adjusted intraday data from this endpoint. Parameters include function, symbol, interval, and optional parameters like adjusted, extended_hours, month, outputsize, and datatype.

The documentation includes examples in several programming languages, including Python, NodeJS, PHP and C#. You can get a free API key to try out the full range of data.

Alpha Vantage charges tiered rates, with a free API key good for limited use. Premium plans are available for more usage, starting at $49.99 per month for 75 requests per minute and going up to $249.99 per month for 1200 requests per minute. Premium plans also get premium support and unlimited daily requests.

Alpha Vantage also offers spreadsheet add-ons for Excel and Google Sheets so you can easily incorporate the APIs into your spreadsheets. If you need higher request limits, you can negotiate a custom plan through the sales team.

Alpha Vantage is useful for a variety of people, including investors, quantitative researchers, software developers, students and educators. Its democratization of premium-quality financial data and good documentation make it a good resource for anyone who wants to write applications or perform data analysis on financial markets.

Published on July 5, 2024

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