Automatically turn YouTube videos into viral Shorts with AI-suggested cuts, subtitles, and editing tools, streamlining content creation and saving time.
Video Editing Content Creation Social Media Optimization

AICO is an AI-powered tool that helps you turn YouTube videos into viral Shorts. It can automatically suggest cuts, add subtitles and edit the video, letting you create content fast and easily.

AICO has a number of features designed to make Shorts creation easier:

  • AI Suggested Subtitles: Automatically add subtitles to your videos.
  • Automatic Cut Editing: Use Computer Vision (CV) technology to quickly cut your videos.
  • Editing Tool with Templates: Choose from a variety of templates to add more to your video.

You can search for YouTube videos by pasting links or keywords, and AICO will import and edit them for you. AICO also lets you upload custom background images or logos to drive traffic to your channel and increase views.

Among other recent changes to AICO, you can now select specific parts of a video, and only the minutes you use will be deducted from premium plans. That means you can select 10-minute clips from an hourlong video.

By automating tedious steps, AICO is designed to help you make Shorts and TikTok videos more quickly.

Published on June 14, 2024

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