If you're looking for another alternative to AI Detector, GPTZero is worth a look. It's intended to detect text written by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini. It's got a Deep Scan option for more detailed analysis and Source Scanning for plagiarism. It's geared for teachers, writers, recruiters and cybersecurity professionals, and offers a variety of plans including a free version with some limitations and more premium options with more features.
Another top contender is Originality, which offers a collection of tools to ensure content is original, accurate and of high quality. It includes an AI content detector, plagiarism detector, fact checker and readability analyzer. It's geared for web publishers, content marketing companies and writers who need to keep content high quality and authentic. It offers several pricing tiers to accommodate different needs.
If you're looking for a free tool, ZeroGPT can detect AI content with a 99% accuracy rate. It uses machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to evaluate text sentence by sentence, flagging content with different colors and offering readability scores. It's accessible through a simple copy-and-paste interface, so it can be used for SEO content, academic writing and marketing.
Last is Winston AI, which boasts a 99.98% detection rate for AI content. It works in multiple languages and can detect paraphrased and humanized content. Winston AI also has a plagiarism detector and AI image detector. It's geared for education, SEO and writing. The tool comes with a Chrome Extension and an API for web app integration, and offers several pricing tiers.