If you're looking for a different alternative to AI Detector, GPTZero is a popular option. It's designed to detect text from large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini, with features like deep scanning, plagiarism detection and AI copyright infringement scanning. It also comes with a Chrome Extension for in-browser detection and offers several pricing tiers, including a free version.
Another option is Winston AI, which has a 99.98% detection rate for AI-generated content. It works in multiple languages and comes with a plagiarism detector and AI image detector. It's geared for education, SEO and writing, with fast scan results and a sentence-by-sentence assessment of each sentence.
If you're looking for a more comprehensive platform that includes plagiarism detection, check out Copyleaks. The company's platform not only detects AI-generated content but also offers a range of products including a plagiarism detector, writing assistant and more. It can detect AI content in more than 30 languages and integrates with Learning Management Systems, so it's a good option for schools and businesses.