AI Clearing

Generates 3D site reports with 100% site coverage, providing accurate and efficient progress monitoring, reducing re-work costs and litigation risks.
Construction Progress Monitoring Automated Reporting Geospatial Analytics

AI Clearing offers detailed digital records of the construction site's progress to reduce re-work costs and litigation risks. The platform uses machine learning algorithms to generate 3D site reports for 100% of a construction site, providing more accurate and efficient progress monitoring.

AI Clearing Core combines drone-collected data with other digital sources to run automated, advanced 4D geospatial analytics. The automation shortens reporting cycles and offers insights through interactive online dashboards and PDF reports. The platform can be easily integrated into existing systems to ensure a smooth and efficient data flow.

The tool can help with construction progress monitoring in several ways:

  • Faster Reporting: AI Clearing Core is 480 times faster than traditional quality surveying methods, with AI-based analytics results available overnight.
  • Full Construction Site Digitalization: Offers fully data-based reports with 100% site coverage, providing better site awareness through data visualization.
  • Lower Supervision Costs: Reduces progress reporting time by 30%, lowering supervision costs.
  • Cost Avoidance: Helps to identify discrepancies early, reducing the risk of escalation.
  • Facilitated Communication: Offers progress tracking reports digitally and transparently in near-real-time, streamlining project documentation and stakeholder communication.
  • Operations Planning: Allows for estimation of project deadline feasibility based on current work pace.

AI Clearing has helped construction companies around the world, including solar farms, road construction, civil engineering, industrial, gas pipelines and marine construction projects. Users can start a project by uploading drone-based data, which is then used for automated construction progress monitoring. Customizable and interactive dashboards are delivered, along with detailed PDF reports.

AI Clearing's core team has expertise in drone technology, geospatial analytics and artificial intelligence implementation, ensuring customization and implementation of their platform is tailored to meet clients' needs.

For more information, visit the AI Clearing website.

Published on June 14, 2024

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