
AI-powered product search and recommendations personalize the customer experience, improving conversions and driving foot traffic for retail businesses.
Conversational Commerce Ecommerce Optimization Personalized Product Recommendations

Adeptmind offers conversational guided discovery for retail businesses, using AI-powered product search and recommendations to improve the customer experience. The technology is designed to address the difficulties retailers have with online search, helping customers find products and ultimately driving conversions.

Adeptmind offers the following features:

  • AI Conversational Guided Discovery: AI-powered product recommendations that are filtered and personalized for each user, eliminating the need for third-party support.
  • Local Shopping: Enables customers to search for full product catalogs, driving foot traffic, loyalty and retention for brick-and-mortar retailers.
  • Ecommerce Apps: Integrates with Shopify and PrestaShop, with API connectors for other popular ecommerce platforms.
  • Search Engine Marketing: Customizable search technology for retail products, including SEO and search engine marketing.

Adeptmind's technology is trained on customer behavior, so it can provide relevant search results and product recommendations without manual configuration. The technology is flexible, working in a variety of retail situations, including online marketplaces and physical stores.

Adeptmind's pricing is customized based on factors like business needs, product catalog size, implementation complexity and website traffic. Prospective customers should contact the sales team for a quote.

With Adeptmind integrated into their ecommerce sites, retailers can offer better search and personalize the experience for customers. That in turn can boost conversions, engagement and customer support costs. Adeptmind's customizable panel lets retailers tweak the look and feel of search queries, filters and other elements to match their brand.

Visit Adeptmind's website for more.

Published on June 30, 2024

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