ACI Worldwide

Secure, scalable, and efficient digital payment processing with real-time fraud management powered by patented AI models, enabling omni-commerce and risk reduction.
Payment Processing Fraud Management Real-time Analytics

ACI Worldwide is a software company that offers real-time payment solutions to businesses. Its platform provides secure, scalable and efficient digital payment processing, enabling omni-commerce and fraud management for the world's largest banks, merchants and billers.

The platform includes several modules to support different payment needs:

  • Acquiring: Digital acceptance and merchant management.
  • Enterprise Payments Platform: Real-time payment processing and orchestration.
  • Low Value Real-Time Payments: Full real-time payments processing.
  • Issuing: Digital payment and accounts issuing solution.
  • High Value Real-Time Payments: Multi-bank, multi-currency processing engine.
  • Payments Orchestration Platform: End-to-end payments orchestration for merchants.
  • ACI Speedpay: Billing, presentment and communication services.
  • Fraud Management: Real-time enterprise fraud management with patented AI models.

ACI Worldwide helps customers reduce financial and reputational risk, improve customer satisfaction and adapt to changing payment preferences. It serves a wide range of industries, including banking, retail, telecommunications and utilities. The company has offices in 34 countries and serves customers worldwide.

Some statistics illustrate the scale of the platform:

  • 6,000+: Customers around the world.
  • 45+: Years of payments experience.
  • 25 Billion: Cloud transactions per year.
  • 225 Billion: Consumer transactions per year.

ACI Worldwide's solutions can be deployed in a variety of ways, including licensed software, SaaS and hybrid options, to accommodate different infrastructure and payment needs. This flexibility means businesses can choose the best approach for their needs. And with fraud management powered by responsible AI, ACI Worldwide helps customers reduce risk and increase revenue.

For companies that need to improve their payment processing, ACI Worldwide offers a powerful foundation to securely accept, manage and process mission-critical payments in real-time. With its solutions, companies can improve their payment services, lower operational costs and increase customer satisfaction.

Published on June 29, 2024

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