If you're looking for an Abstract alternative, Tray is another option worth considering. Tray is an AI-powered Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) that streamlines API integrations and automates business processes with a low-code approach. It includes a low-code workflow builder, API management, and strong governance and security controls. This is a good fit for companies trying to automate processes and increase productivity in many different industries.
Another option is MuleSoft. This tool lets programmers and nontechnical people create efficient integrations with clicks, code or AI-powered automation. MuleSoft offers real-time data integration, intelligent customer experiences and a big boost in productivity. Its unified integration platform can speed up digital transformation by integrating apps, customers and teams.
If you're interested in API management, Kong is an adaptable API gateway and service mesh. Kong offers a unified API platform that can manage APIs securely across clouds, teams and gateways from a single interface. Among its advantages are real-time visibility, fine-grained security policies and the ability to create and test APIs with built-in tools. It's a good fit for companies trying to simplify API management and improve developer productivity.
Last, Ably offers a real-time digital experience platform with APIs for live chat, data broadcasting and multiplayer collaboration. It also handles real-time data synchronization and GPS location tracking. Ably promises high availability with a 99.999% uptime SLA and compliance with SOC 2 Type 2, HIPAA and EU GDPR. That makes it a good choice for businesses that need reliable and scalable real-time functionality.