
Automatically turns long-form videos into engaging short-form content, highlighting key moments and speakers with AI-driven analysis and editing tools.
Video Editing Content Creation AI-powered Video Analysis

2short.ai is an AI-based tool that lets YouTube creators turn long-form videos into short-form videos that attract viewers and subscribers. With the power of AI, the tool analyzes your videos and pulls out the most engaging moments, letting you create compelling shorts with the least amount of work.

Some of the key features of 2short.ai include:

  • Center Stage Facial Tracking: Automatically puts the focus on the most active speakers in the scene using facial tracking technology.
  • One-Click Animated Subtitles: Adds engaging subtitles to your videos with the click of a button.
  • Unlimited High-Quality Exports: Offers high-resolution exports for the best possible visual quality.
  • Versatile Aspect Ratios: Supports vertical, square and horizontal aspect ratios for use on different platforms.
  • Advanced Editing Tools: Includes cropping options and more for more control.
  • Brand Presets: Allows for customization with brand logos and overlays.

Pricing tiers vary depending on your content creation needs:

  • Starter (Free): 30 minutes of AI video analysis per month, full access to all features and the ability to view/export generated short videos.
  • Lite ($9.90/mo): 5 hours of AI video analysis, 60 minutes of fast server-side exports and no ads.
  • Pro ($19.90/mo): 15 hours of AI video analysis and unlimited fast server-side exports.
  • Premium ($49.90/mo): 50 hours of AI video analysis, priority support and access to beta features.

2short.ai is geared for content creators and agencies, and it works with videos that have spoken words, like podcasts, educational videos and product reviews. It currently supports multiple languages. By reducing the time spent editing, 2short.ai lets people focus on creating more content and growing their channel faster. If you want to take your content to the next level and reach a broader audience, 2short.ai is a useful and efficient option.

Published on June 9, 2024

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