
Automatically turns long videos into short, attention-grabbing clips using AI-powered highlight detection, speech recognition, and effortless editing features.
Video Editing AI-powered Content Creation Automated Video Production

Wisecut is an AI video editor that can turn long videos into short, attention-grabbing, viral clips. The SaaS tool uses AI and speech recognition to make video editing easier and more accessible to people who don't have video editing skills.

Wisecut includes a number of features to make video editing easier:

  • AI Highlight Detection: Finds viral moments in video.
  • Storyboard-based Editing: Creates a text-based storyboard, letting people edit video by moving text and scenes around.
  • Smart Background Music: Picks music for the video and edits it to duck audio for speech.
  • Auto Captions and Translations: Adds captions and translations to increase engagement and reach a broader audience.
  • Effortless Silence Removal: Finds silent pauses and cuts them out.

The tool is geared for content creators, video streamers and financial advisors who want to save time creating videos. Customers have cut hours off their work creating testimonial videos and short clips.

Wisecut's pricing plan includes:

  • Free: Has core features, but with limits on video resolution, storage and file length.
  • Starter: For creators just starting out, $10 per month (billed annually), with more hours and higher resolution.
  • Professional: For serious video creators, $29 per month (billed annually), with more hours and features.
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing plans with API and hourly pricing.

Wisecut integrates with YouTube and offers AI-powered audio ducking, transcription and some premium features like subtitles auto translation and facial recognition that are available for a limited time. It's designed to be easy to use, with no need for video editing expertise.

Published on June 13, 2024

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