If you want a full-featured wealth optimization platform that can link to multiple brokerages, you might want to check out Macroaxis. It's got AI-powered optimization, brokerage integration, and portfolio analysis with more than 100 modules. The service lets you create optimized portfolios from predefined core models and dynamically created investing themes, with buy-or-sell advice and rebalancing options. Macroaxis has pricing from $39.40 per month to custom Premium subscriptions, but it's geared for self-directed investors and fintech pros who want to get the most out of their money.
Another contender is Mezzi, which consolidates multiple accounts into one view and uses AI to offer recommendations to optimize your portfolio and cut fees. Among other features, it offers personalized portfolio rebalancing, tax optimization through advanced calculators, and AI-driven replacement suggestions to sidestep IRS wash sale rules. Mezzi has a clean interface and strong privacy protections, too, which is nice for people who want to keep their investment lives private. It's geared for people who want to simplify their investment lives.
Allfunds offers a powerful wealth management platform that can be integrated with the world's largest fund distribution network. It's got sophisticated tools for dealing and execution, ESG, data analytics and compliance. With the Allfunds Blockchain and a control center for investment professionals, Allfunds is geared for banks, wealth managers and institutional investors that need a broad range of investment services.
Last, Investipal offers a service to create and manage a personalized investment portfolio, with features like AI Co-Pilot, Investment Inspiration and Portfolio Analytics. It can link to brokerages, and it's good for beginners and more experienced investors. Investipal offers several pricing tiers, including a free basic plan and a premium option for $24 per month, so it's got a broad appeal.