If you're looking for a tool to check the originality of student work and detect AI-generated text, GPTZero is a great choice. It's geared specifically for educators and has a high degree of accuracy in detecting text from large language models like ChatGPT and GPT-4. GPTZero offers several pricing tiers, including a free BASIC plan, and tools like plagiarism detection and deep analysis.
Another good option is the AI Detector, which has a high degree of accuracy in detecting AI-generated text. It's easy to use and offers detailed analysis, including a percentage of AI used in each sentence and the overall text. It's good for students, teachers, bloggers and researchers who need to maintain academic integrity and high-quality content.
If you're looking for a free and simple option, ZeroGPT has a high degree of accuracy up to 99% in detecting AI-generated text. It uses machine learning algorithms and offers readability scores to help you improve content accessibility. It's good for academic and marketing content and supports multiple languages.