The first, GPTZero, is an AI detector that can identify text generated by large language models like ChatGPT and GPT-4. It has features like Deep Scan for a more detailed analysis, Source Scanning for detecting plagiarism and AI copyright infringement, and Origin Chrome Extension for browser-based AI detection. GPTZero offers several pricing tiers, so it's adaptable for educators, writers, recruiters and cybersecurity pros.
Another good option is Originality, which offers a range of tools to ensure content is original, accurate and of high quality. That includes an AI content detector, plagiarism detector, fact detector and readability detector. It's geared for web publishers, content marketers and writers who need to keep their content high quality and pass Google's quality tests.
For a broader range of AI and plagiarism detection, Copyleaks offers a more general purpose platform with AI Detector, Plagiarism Detector and Writing Assistant. It can detect AI in more than 30 languages and plagiarism in more than 100 languages, so it's a good option for schools and businesses. Copyleaks also offers integrations with Learning Management Systems (LMS) and a fully customizable API.
Last, X Detector is a free, multilingual AI content detector that uses sophisticated methods to achieve more than 99% accuracy. It can tell if text was written by an AI or human, which can be useful for students checking their assignments, teachers checking submissions and bloggers trying to ensure their content isn't fake.