First on the list is GPTZero, an AI detector that's designed to detect AI-generated text at the sentence, paragraph and document levels through a multi-step process trained on a large data set. It offers several pricing tiers, including a free BASIC plan, and options like plagiarism scanning and deep AI scanning. It's a good tool for teachers, writers and recruiters.
Another is ZeroGPT, a free AI-powered content checker that uses machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to detect AI-generated text with a high degree of accuracy. It offers unlimited free AI checks, so you can use it for lots of different content, and it'll give you a readability score to help you make your content more accessible.
For a full-featured suite, Originality offers a variety of tools including an AI content detector, plagiarism checker, fact checker and readability scorer. It's geared for web publishers, content marketers and writers who want to ensure their content is high quality and original, and therefore likely to pass Google's quality tests.