One of the top options is GPTZero. This AI detector is geared to spot text from large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini. It includes options like Deep Scan for more detailed analysis, Source Scanning for plagiarism detection and Origin Chrome Extension for browser-based AI detection. It has several pricing tiers to accommodate different needs, including a basic free plan and two paid options, so it's useful for teachers, writers and cybersecurity pros.
Another top option is AI Detector. The tool gives you a probability score to gauge how likely it is that a text was written by an AI. It's good at spotting GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 text, with a 85% accuracy rate. It also can refine sentences to make the text sound more human and can generate detailed reports, making it good for content creators, teachers and digital marketers.
If you're on a tighter budget, check out ZeroGPT. This free tool uses machine learning algorithms to detect AI text with high accuracy. It has a simple copy-and-paste interface and works with multiple languages, so it's useful for a range of tasks, including SEO content and academic writing. It also offers a readability score to help you improve your writing.