Vaia is an intelligent learning app that provides a full suite of tools to help you achieve your learning objectives with structure, motivation and efficiency. It includes a smart to-do list, study sets, flashcards, notes and study modes. Vaia uses AI to generate explanations and incorporates scientifically-proven learning methods like Spaced Repetition, which has led to 94% of users reporting improved grades. The app is available in multiple languages and works on devices across multiple platforms.
GradesAI is another good all-in-one study companion. It uses artificial intelligence to create personalized study plans, predictive practice tests and interactive study tools. Features include a predictive exam generator, interactive quizzes, flashcards, essay writing help and a math tutor. The app provides a simple dashboard to track progress and performance, set realistic goals and connect with a community of students and tutors.
For a flexible study platform, Quizlet has a range of tools including Magic Notes, Q-Chat, Expert Solutions and Learn and Test Modes. It employs learning science techniques like spaced repetition and retrieval practice to improve its tools. Quizlet also offers a range of question types so it can accommodate different learning styles. Although it offers free study sets and modes, you can upgrade to Quizlet Plus for more features and unlimited access to premium tools.